Canon: 85mm f1.2 vs 85mm f1.8

Is there a difference and can you spot it?

I took 20 min tonight and shot some photos with my Canon 5d Mark IV and swapped between the 85mm F1.8 and the F1.2.

F1.2 and a f1.8 have a huge price gap but can you spot the difference?

Canon f1.2 L II – MSRP $2199        Canon f1.8 – MSRP $430


Left: F1.2                                            Right: F1.8

Left: F1.2                                             Right: F1.8

These are very basic examples and wish I had a better chance to do a more in detail comparison but it’s raining out so I am stuck inside.

Left: f1.2                                                    Right: 1.8

Here in these last two, I took both photos in manual focus and racked them out of focus to get the “Bokeh ball” look here. Here you can really see the difference between f1.2 and f1.8 at 85mm.

I think the biggest benefit would be the f1.2 in low light conditions but is it really that much of a benefit from f1.8? Maybe I will do a low light test and see if it’s really worth the $$$.

Until next time.